

My lungs burn as I
remember what it was like
being five
and laughing
and sitting under your legs
over your heart

My heart is but
bruised handmade stitches
on something that keeps
falling apart

Apart I fall
where I am
an open wound

I was taken by that tidal wave today
It felt like drinking sterile alcohol
all the water in my lungs
all the burning in my wounds

Everyone else cries as well
but we are not crying for the same reasons
They didn’t know you

And as I consider
just perhaps
neither did I
I wonder if you knew how much I’d miss you

I don’t know what answer would hurt less
I don’t know if it would have changed anything
I don’t know if you ever cared enough
to take my suffering into consideration
as you destroyed yourself from within

She said she was a grenade
because she doesn’t know the story of how
you imploded

She doesn’t know you
And just perhaps
neither do I

I find that I only know this:
I wish you would stop dying on me
I wish you would stop going away
I wish you would stop turning your back
or being buried by dirt or pain or indifference

I wish you would stay for once

But that’s the thing about pain
It demands to be felt



You’re going to be 14 soon
And you are becoming a beautiful young woman

Your face is getting more defined
Your lips are becoming fuller
Your body…

Oh, sweetie, your body
What is it about your body?

What is it about your growing body
that makes people so uncomfortable?

You’re going to be 14 soon
and you can’t wear your favorite shirt anymore
They told you it was just “too tight”
though it falls loosely around your stomach

You're going to be 14 soon
and that dress has got to go
You've grown so much, it’s just “too short”
Too wrapped around your ever-growing hips
Too much of a warm embrace around your body
It’s just wrong

You’re going to be 14 soon
and you will be weary of wearing shorts out when it’s hot
Because your legs are now a public display of shamelessness
Because that extra inch defines whether or not you are worthy of pity
Because it will be night time when you come home
and you don’t want to be noticed

Your survival depends on going unnoticed

You’re going to be 14 soon
and you will start to develop a deaf hear
to the kind of men that seem to be defined as scum
but then are just shrugged off
“It is what it is”

You’re going to be 14 soon
and it will be about whether you are a saint or a sinner
An innocent or a nymphomaniac
A prude or a slut

There is no shade of grey for you,
beautiful young woman,
because you are not complex

You are not immensely intricate or interesting
You do not get to be large
You do not contain multitudes

You are this ever changing body
and the conversation will always be about what you do with it

You’ll be ruthlessly slandered
for your sexual choices
for your hemlines
for your necklines

But that dotted line
written up by a publicity company
that believes it to be a good idea
to use your body to sell their product
isn’t up for discussion

It’s not hypocrisy, young lady
There’s no wrong doing here, lil’ chick
This isn’t oppression, you bitch

There is no such thing as a patriarchy


Os anos esvaem-se diante dos meus olhos

Aqui estou eu

Vejo cada cena
e em cada cena vejo o sorriso que falta
as palavras silenciadas
o choro que talvez nem venha

Mas não te esqueço

Os anos esvaem-se diante dos meus olhos
E vejo que em cada momento de felicidade
arde a picada ácida do adeus

Adeus, não estás por cá
Adeus, onde foste?
Por favor, volta.

Agora, a Deus pertences

Deste-me a maior dádiva da unidade
Juntaste as pontas do lençol com que se cobre a Realidade
Em tudo
A toda a hora
Em toda a parte